Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Love Covers

Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. 

1 Peter 4:8


I started out the focus on love by confessing that, although I know a lot about love, I struggle to actually live it out well.  For that reason, I am comforted by the words of scripture above. God's perfect love is able to cover up and overcome my sins.  However, looking at at these words again today, I notice that they do not let me off the hook.  Reading them again today, I hear a “suck it up soldier” in it today.  It like it’s saying to me, “so you screwed up the love thing; your only recourse is to keep loving.  Love is the only thing that can make up for sin.”

It makes sense. God, who is love, makes up for our sin by becoming Jesus, who is Love Incarnate.  We are made in the image of that God, so we make up for sin by loving as well. 

For all the times I have acted toward you all in ways that betray love, I am sorry.  Know that I am committed to and currently working on growing in my love for all.  To be sure, I will get it wrong again.  But my hope is that what will ultimately stand out for you when I move on some day is my loving of you (and God’s loving of you) covered up the multitude of my sins. 


Question:  How do you hear the scripture above?  (Example, I heard it in a “suck it up soldier” kind of way.)


Prayer: Merciful God, thank you for covering our sins with your love.  May we be open to be used to convey that same kind of redeeming love to each other and others by our actions. Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for yourself today.  Pray for the ways that you need to grow in loving God, yourself, and others.


Song: Sweet Adoration – Watershed Worship


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